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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rihanna: Tattoos are scary -

Rihanna says it took her a year to "grow the balls" to get a tattoo.
The Barbados-born singer is renowned for her love of body art. She has 16 inkings at the moment, among them two guns near her armpits and stars down her back.
She loves the feeling of having artwork committed to her body.
"I have an addictive personality and I love tattoos. When I was 16, I was curious about them and started hanging out in tattoo stores in downtown New York, watching people get tatted and pierced," she explained. "I finally grew the balls to get one when I was 17, then started getting more. I still want another now!"
Although her style is rocky, Rihanna has a sentimental side. She cites her favourite belonging as something her grandmother gave her. It's so important to her the singer is never without the item.
"My grandma and I have exchanged infinity rings and mine is always on me, so I guess that's the most valuable thing in my wardrobe," she told Company magazine.
If you wang to get a tattoo like Rihanna, you can buy cheap tattoo machines from 

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